Project name * Project type * Architecture Landscape Interior Tourism Planning Art Project location * Site aera (m²) Project data Step 1: Complete the project information Please add images and text layout of your project (we receive a large number of submissions every day, so please make sure your project images and text are accurate before submitting). How to submit the article * Edit article online Provide link to article Upload a word document View sample article 01-Article Editor * Insert Images 点击上方“插入图像”按钮,使您的文章图文并茂 Bottom-right drop-down expands the article area 01-Fill in the article link 01-Upload project documents Select File(s) Article document in word format 02 - Additional information (optional) Here you can enter the information of the design members, collaborators, suppliers or other remarks involved in the project 03-Upload project images * Select File(s) Width greater than 2000 pixels JPG Recommended to upload zip format. Step 2: Improve the enterprise information Fill in your business information for your first submission. Your company name * Business member or not * First time to use submission service Business member or Regular user Upload your corporate logo * 300*300 pixels JPG Fill in the company profile * Benefits and prices of Business member Join the project promotion Step 3: Your contact details Please enter your contact , We can contact you quickly. Email * Phone * Other contacts (optional) I have read and agree to the Copyright Statement